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VintageBeast was born simply from the desire to keep the Original television series of "Beauty and the Beast" alive for those who loved it in the past, love it still, or who have yet to discover its magic.


This modern world could use a gentle reminder of acceptance, patience, romance, humility and tolerance.


The purpose of VintageBeast is positive interaction and charity.

His existence and work in this role is a donation to the Beauty and the Beast worldwide family.


It has taken the effort and dedication of more than one person to bring VintageBeast into the light.  This remains an ongoing journey, and could

not be accomplished without an incredible support team. 


Vintagebeast's facial appliance is crafted of platinum silicone, and was sculpted in our small studio.  At this point in time, his 

garb is still in the process of being finished out.  One step at a time....


...More to Come...



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